How to get rid of acne: causes, treatments and prevention

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It could be extremely frustrating to fight against acne, which causes skin problems such as pimples, cysts, whiteheads, blackheads, etc.  Here are actually tips on how you can get rid of acne for clear and even skin tone.

What is acne and what are the causes?

Acne is actually an inflammatory skin condition characterized by red pimples on the skin, particularly on the face. It occurs when your hair follicles clogged with dead skin cells and oil. The main cause of is actually the excess activity of male hormones, like testosterone, that present in both males and females. The development of skin cells and production of sebum are stimulated by higher level of male hormones. When the pores are actually plugged with dead skin cells and dirt, it creates a great environment for bacteria to grow, causing an inflammation which leads to acne.

How to get rid of acne: causes, treatments and prevention - SHOPPE.LK

Types of acne:

  • Blackhead
  • Whitehead
  • Pimple
  • Papule
  • Pustule
  • Cyst / Nodule

Treatment and prevention

#1 Consider a salicylic acid cleanser

Cleanse your face 2 times one day with an acne fighting cleanser formulated with salicylic acid.  Salicylic acid is actually, actually, a beta hydroxy acid that works by dissolving excess oil and gently exfoliating away dead skin cells to keep pores from clogging. Did I mention this powerful acid also helps reduce redness and swelling? In case you are a novice to salicylic acid, start with once one day only.

How to get rid of acne: causes, treatments and prevention - SHOPPE.LK

#2 Pick up a spot treatment

Get an over-the-counter spot treatment which can actually blemish stubborn pimples overnight. Search for formulas with the regular blemish flighting benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or glycolic acid. Benzoyl peroxide kills acne causing bacteria, while glycolic and salicylic acid remove excess oil, reduce inflammation and dry up the pimples. Just keep in mind they are not intended to be used on the entire face of yours. You simply have to dab a small amount to affected areas before going to sleep and leave it on over night.

How to get rid of acne: causes, treatments and prevention - SHOPPE.LK

#3 Look for retinoids

Make retinoids part of the skincare routine of yours for clearer skin. The vitamin A derivatives not only increase cell turnover, but also help pores be less vulnerable to getting clogged and therefore prevent other, whiteheads, and blackheads acne lesions from forming. Stinging, itching, dryness, and redness are included by side effects of using retinoids. You have to work the way of yours up to regular use. Aim for three times a week to begin with.

How to get rid of acne: causes, treatments and prevention - SHOPPE.LK

#4 Use an acne-friendly daily moisturiser

Stick with oil free, noncomedogenic moisturisers if you are struggling with acne. This guarantees the lightweight, non greasy formula will not further clog your pores or perhaps exacerbate existing breakouts. Apply a thin layer of moisturiser as the last stage in the skincare routine of yours for healthier, calmer looking skin. Be sure you moisturize even in case you’ve acne to keep your skin barrier healthy.

How to get rid of acne: causes, treatments and prevention - SHOPPE.LK

#5 Use makeup that’s friendly to acne-prone skin

Look for makeup products that are actually light in texture and with “non-comedogenic” or “oil-free” labeling. Ingredients such as salicylic acid, hyaluronic acid and even sulfur could also help alleviate breakouts.

Nevertheless, it’s never a good idea to pop pimples. Picking is going to make some pimple take longer to heal, and this is able to also result in infection. So, keep your hands off!

How to get rid of acne: causes, treatments and prevention - SHOPPE.LK

Lifestyle changes for clear skin

#1 Avoid foods that aggravate your acne

The risk of developing acne is increased by food items that contains high amount of refined sugars. This’s since they could be absorbed quickly and raise blood sugar levels which leads to a rise in insulin levels. Insulin boosts male hormones as well as contributes to acne development. Refined grain products such as white rice and white bread, and dairy products as milk have effects that are similar on the body of ours also.

#2 Add acne-fighting foods and supplements to your diet

Foods high in omega 3 fatty acids, like salmon, sardines, trout, walnuts, are aid that is great in reducing inflammation. You are able to also include vitamin C to the diet of yours to reduce acne scars as the immune system of yours is boosted by it and increase cell turnover rate. Oranges, tomatoes, kiwi and grapefruits are excellent sources of vitamin C.

How to get rid of acne: causes, treatments and prevention - SHOPPE.LK

#3 Sleep well and drink more water

The look of the skin of yours will be improved by quality sleep that is high. Sleep for 7 8 hours so that your skin has time to recover during the night. You must also drink more water to keep the body of yours and skin hydrated, which prevents the skin of yours from getting dried out and having dead skin cells clogging your pores. Drinking enough water also helps the body of yours to fight inflammation, which is actually a significant reason behind acne development.



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